The Design Professional’s Most Powerful Weapon In Getting Paid

During a development project, one or more design professionals will be typically engaged by the developer early in the process. Those design professionals may assist in creating a topographical map, an exterior architectural design for the project, developing a drainage plan or a plan for the contouring of the land suitable for the project through a series of cuts and fills, or a landscaping plan. In an era when development costs have skyrocketed, while development money is scarce and investors leery, the financial risks of the development process make it imperative that the design professional be cautious about allowing the development client to incur too large of an account receivable. And it behooves the design professional to become familiar with the design professional lien. Which Design Professionals Have Lien Rights? For over twenty years, California law has defined a “design professional” as an architect, an engineer, or a land surveyor.


Can A Real Estate Agent Really Be Required To Disclose More Than What He or She Knows?

At some point in time, most of us have purchased a residence or some other piece of real estate and have used the services of a real estate agent or broker in the transaction. (For the sake of convenience, I will collectively refer to agents and brokers as “agents”.) Real estate agents play a vital role in the real estate industry as they interface between sellers and buyers. Among other things, they assist sellers in making a home attractive for potential buyers and they offer their expertise in helping a seller determine an appropriate listing price. They also assist buyers in determining what the buyer really needs in a residence and what the buyer can realistically afford. The Agent’s Duty To Disclose One of the most important services that an agent can provide to a buyer, and particularly an inexperienced one, is to assist the buyer in evaluating a property’s


“Cash For Keys” — Consider Paying A Defaulting Tenant To Move Out

Owning a rental property can be both a rewarding and frustrating experience. With good tenants, the landlord often enjoys the emotional satisfaction of helping provide the tenants with a nice home to live in and a place to raise their family. And the rents which the tenants pay help reduce the landlord’s mortgage on the rental home. But, what about if the tenant isn’t paying their rent on time? Or worse, what if they have stopped paying their rent altogether? Dealing with a non-paying tenant can be extremely frustrating. And expensive. When a tenant stops paying, a landlord will often begin to hear excuses for the tenants’ non-payment. And, often, those explanations are based in fact. For example, during recent years, when our economy has been in a state of upheaval, and people have lost their jobs and haven’t been able to find new work, the explanation that the tenants have no money to pay their rent is very likely true.



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